A review by johannalm
I Love You More by Jennifer Murphy


I Love You More, Jennifer Murphy
One man, three wives and a murder none of them seems to have committed. As the police fumble around trying to find any clues that will help them figure who, if not all of the wives, killed Oliver Lane, Picasso Lane, his 12 year old daughter, holds it together in the hopes that her mother won’t go to jail. Because, Picasso keeps many secrets. Picasso knows the three wives actually did know about each other before the murder, even though they deny it. She witnessed them having secret meetings and phone calls and making plans. She also knew about her father’s secret lives and lies as well.
But Picasso has other things to distract her, like her obsession with word definitions, and spelling bees, and the cute boy Ryan in her class, and the mean girls who call her names. But most of all, Picasso wants to do everything she can to keep her mother from going to jail.
As the tension mounts and the police seem to be getting closer to figuring out what happened to Oliver Lane, no one is prepared for the stunning turn of events the case takes. I absolutely did not see the unexpected and surprising twist ending coming.
Finally getting to some of the older books on my kindle is going to be fun. Here’s to New Year’s Resolutions.