A review by 4saradouglas
Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett


Oh man. The beginning was very very average and read like a couple of million other YA novels. There were some parts that just made me cringe so hard. I actually copied this part out because it was so stupid:

Guy: “Let me hazard a guess. You’re some stuck-up East Coast sophisticate whose daddy got her this job where she’s forced to have normal conversations with surf trash like me.”
Girl: My mouth falls open. I’m so stunned, I feel as though I’ve had the wind knocked out of my chest. I try to untangle his words, but there’s just so much there.

Oh yes. "There's just so much there!" If you're thinking she is stupid, you are not wrong. It's the most obvious thing in the world that her online friend and her in-person friend are one and the same, but she never at any point figures it out. Even her dad (who in typical YA novel dad form only knows like 25% of what's happening at any point in time) figured it out and tried to lead her into the realization herself, but no. Still can't figure it out. God. There were some good parts, I swear, but I just feel a bit dumber after reading this book.