A review by tnaimpally
Dog Days by Ericka Waller


Rating: 2 stars

I am honestly so torn about this book because while there are elements that I liked, there was just so much I was baffled by. Like many other reviewers, I felt the blurb was deceiving and not actually representative of what the book is about? Add in some honestly quite problematic characters that, if you can reconcile yourself to not actually liking them, still have enough nuance in their stories that make them compelling. But the book is so drawn out on what the "secret" for each character is, that the big reveal feels sensational rather than authentic. You dont get enough backstory to explain the why of each character, why they react the way they do or how they reached this place, so when you learn the what, it still feels surface-level. It is a pity because I had really high hopes for this book.