A review by misstessamaye
The Contemplative Tarot: A Christian Guide to the Cards by Brittany Muller


The first few chapters I really appreciated and felt were both well-researched and well-presented. As someone who grew up in Christianity (not Catholicism specifically) and used tarot while still within it, I love the practical and factual teaching of the history of the cards and various ways they can be used, including ways that don't contradict the Bible. I want more Christians to feel free enough to pick up a deck without shame or fear, and I think Muller makes a good case.

That being said, the latter part of the book wasn't as relevant to me as I don't subscribe to Christianity any longer; it felt like a devotional and I ended up skimming to finish it. If you're a Christian and curious about tarot, I think this book is a great, safe-feeling introduction!