A review by bookwolfash_13
Esperanza by Kathleen Duey


My rating system

5- Gush/Absolutely Loved
4- Low Love/High Like
3- Like
2- Meh
1- Dislike/Hate

If it is a .5 star I round up

5 Stars

This is a book and also a series that I have always wanted to after learning about its existence but until now I have never had the chance. I highly recommend any horse lover or Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron fan to read it.

Esperanza's original herd the lead mare and the stallion along with other members have died of starvation due to a longer and colder winter than usual. Alma, Esperanza's mother leads the mares who choose to come with her away from their homeland, without the protection of a stallion it is more than likely that the small herd will split apart and become even smaller. Midnight an older mare that slows the herd down, Willow one of Alma's friends and Aspen is a pregnant mare all choose to follow Alma but unfortunately the Alicia Esperanza's best friend doesn't come with them because her mother chooses not to. Alma is cautious to keep everyone alive and she desperately wants to find another herd that they can join. After traveling the tricky and dangerous terrain the small herd finally comes across another herd, one that is larger than Esperanza has ever seen and they have Cedar a young strong stallion protecting them. The lead mare and Cedar accept the small herd automatically much to everyone's relief. Esperanza is thrilled to be around other horses her age again, Cedar and the lead mare's son Strider has his eyes on her. He makes her feel uneasy and shy at first and tries to avoid him in the beginning, but when he starts to protect her form possible dangers she realizes he has no intentions to harm her. The two grow closer always beside each other. Aspen's foal almost gets bitten by a rattlesnake but Strider starts to attack the snake which cause Cedar to rush into action pushing Strider out of the way. Cedar now is watching Strider intently because Strider is closer to becoming a stallion and wanting a herd for his own. A giant thunderstorm shakes the land causing the herd to scatter, Esperanza and Strider are alone together. Esperanza tries multiple times to retrace her steps to get back to the herd but Strider stops her every time, Esperanza suddenly understands his motives if they return to the herd Cedar will force him out of the herd and Esperanza would have left with Strider. The two of them set off to find their own homeland where they can live together in freedom. During their travels they learn each other's flaws. Strider is proud and sometimes overprotective, Esperanza is bossy and a bit suspicious. Both of them are also stubborn and prefer to lead the way, nevertheless they discover that they can work together to survive. Strider's protectiveness saves Esperanza from harms way more than once. Esperanza's bossiness leads them to water and food. As they endure many hardships, the two grow even closer. They are affectionate, loving, and playful toward one another, but also fiercely inseparable. Eventually, they find a wide valley that they decide can called home.