A review by mburnamfink
Post Captain by Patrick O'Brian


Post Captain see Aubrey and Maturin ashore, enjoying the interlude of the Peace of Amiens and chasing after local eligible women Sophie Williams and Diane Villiers, when tragedy strikes. Jack's perfidious prize agent disappears with all his money, and Jack finds himself in debt to the tune of 11,000 pounds, and liable to be arrested at any time.

The two escape to France, and are there when the Peace of Amiens ends and it's back to war, lovely profitable war! Fortunately, Aubrey is hanging out with the French captains who captured the Sophie in the first book, and since they're such bros they give him warning. Maturin leads Jack across France disguised as a dancing bear (wait what?), and he gets a new ship, the experimental and unseaworthy Polychrest, and his career is back on track.

There's one naval action of note, but most of this book is concerned with courting, debt, political games, and the tightening and near breaking of the friendship of our leads while pursuing women. Putting Hos Before Bros, as the saying goes, only leads to tragedy. Still having fun, still dadly as hell.