A review by calila
Houseboat on the Nile by Tinnean


This book is so repetitive and recaps what just happened pages before so much. I didn't mind the altering POVs or the backtracking to show the same scenes from both POVs, where it got tedious was when the POVs didn't switch and the same info was being dumped that had just been mentioned 2 chapters ago. And not in a way that means it just became relative to the plot just as an oh by the way here's some more information. The characters were okay, I had a little trouble with who was who and whose head was I in at any given moment. They are very similar so there's not as much distinction as I would've liked. But I did like them. I did really enjoy the cat-and-mouse game they played with each other. They aren't particularly "good guys" especially Mark. He is way too happy and eager to play judge and executioner. But I did like the side characters. And against my better judgement I know I'll read the second in the series.