A review by authorvperry
The Unkindness of Ravens by John Ryland


Dandy, indeed!

The Unkindness of Ravens is a captivating psychological thriller/horror.

While the book is short, the story does not suffer from this. John Ryland captures our attentions from beginning to end. I feel as though the characters, especially our main character, are well developed and incredibly interesting. Tension is felt throughout this short read. As a matter of fact, I would say that Ryland kept it as long as it needed to be- we don’t see unnecessary fluff or the droning on of the narrative.

When I started The Unkindness of Ravens, I instantly fell in love with the prose. Ryland uses concise language to keep readers engaged. The language he uses also delivers a tone and mood that makes the book enchanting in an unsettling kind of way. It lends to the story itself.

I would say that readers discretion is advised in concern to possible triggers: child loss (this is the grief that is mentioned in the blurb) and violence toward animals (ravens). For those who don’t find animal cruelty to be a trigger, yet it’s disturbing and makes you unsure, know that it is serves the plot well, helps move the plot forward, and is an important part of the story. It is *not* a case of killing the dog for shock, for example.

I really enjoyed this short book and would recommend to anyone that find comfort in the uncomfortable!