A review by the_gandy_man
It by Stephen King


What a fuckin book. Stephen King is really good. This book isn't as scary as his others I've read, but the scary parts are still very well-written and visceral. I like the way the story unravels with the adults remembering bits and pieces and we slowly fill it all in. The kids' friendship feels real and strong. I really like the scope of this book.
We see the permeation of It through Derry throughout history, and then after so so many pages, we come face-to-face with some big primordial shit and it's very cool.

But boy does this book have some problems. It's too long. It's good that it's long, but man it's too long. There were so many parts that were a struggle to get through. There will be a chapter where not much happens, and then the next character will get a similar chapter, and then I know I gotta get through five more chapters with a total of like two things happening.

There's a lot of bigoted characters. Even our protagonists say some fucked up shit, but they're kids in the 50's so they don't know better. It gets exhausting. Yes I get it Joe Shmoe from rural Maine in the 50's or 80's hates gay people or black people or whatever I just don't want to hear it every 20 pages when it's not necessary for the story (sometimes it is necessary for the story I'm not talking about those times).

And finally we arrive at Beverly. Each of our protagonists have defining characteristics that set them apart. Beverly's is that she's the girl. "No no no! She's defined by more than her gender!" you say. She's the girl and also
her dad abuses her.
And in the future,
her husband abuses her. Also Ben's attracted to her and she's attracted to Bill.
But that's not all. She is sexualized as an 11 year old both by the other protagonists and by the book. I get that the kids are discovering they're horny and so they're sexualizing her, but it feels like King thinks I want to read about it. It's disgusting. The most horrific scene in this book is when
Beverly WHO IS ELEVEN fucks each of the other protagonists WHO ARE ALSO CHILDREN to strengthen their bond so they can escape the sewers.
It's not written to be horrific. It's written to be touching? uplifting? I don't know. I hate it. And it could EASILY be cut.

These faults don't ruin the book for me. If you think they could ruin the book for you PLEASE READ SOMETHING ELSE. "But The Gandy Man, my favorite book reviewer liked it so it can't be that bad." NO IT IS THAT BAD YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.