A review by ktgaay
Lord of Silver Ashes by Kellen Graves


A huge thank you to Kellen for providing me with an ARC!!

Lord of Silver Ashes gave me everything I loved so much about Prince of the Sorrows and intensified it tenfold. The fluff was fluffier, the angst was more painful, and the characters were even more unhinged and flawed and so goddamned lovable. The new characters that are introduced are absolute treasures and the plot went places that I never could have expected. The world-building and magic systems really pick up in this volume, and instead of quelling my curiosity, it has only left me absolutely dying to learn more. And of course, the prose is chefs kiss perfection, it feels so fresh and original and just absolutely unlike anything I’ve read before. Somehow, I don’t know how, but somehow Kellen has written a sequel that makes PotS look like a fluffy little romance novel in comparison.

My expectations going into this book were really high because Prince of the Sorrows has been all I can think about since I first read it in August. And somehow, LOSA has managed to exceed all those expectations. This book is so fucking good. I devoured the entire thing in two days and it was the most intense, stressful, and emotional reading experience I’ve ever had. And I mean that in the absolute best way. I actually had to reread it to write this review because it was too intense the first time for me to really process. And upon finishing my reread, I’m honestly even more impressed. And just as speechless as the first time.

I don’t know how to adequately put into words what that reading experience felt like or how absolutely brilliant the writing is in every way. It made me sob, it made me screech, it made me giggle, it made me yell “OH FUCK YOU” on multiple occasions, then it made me sob some more. I honestly don’t know how to move on from what I’ve just read or how I’ll survive until volume 3 comes out.

Please I am begging please please please read these fucking books!!