A review by ptstewart
The Dark Prophecy by Rick Riordan


First and foremost, it’s not The Dark Prophecy’s fault that it made me want to gauge my eyes out. Rick Riordan’s work is notoriously middle grade, and it is not designed to be different. As an adult, this style can melt into the background if the story is good enough, and I can look past some of the cheesier, more embarrassing lines to appreciate the genuinely funny ones.

The issue: I started this one as an audiobook. When I tell you I’ve rarely felt rage while listening to an audiobook like the rage I felt listening to this, it is not an understatement. I’m sure part of this is because the audiobook is directed at kids, but the style was repetitive and decidedly unfunny. I borrowed the audiobook from the library and it expired before I could force myself to finish. I then borrowed the physical book—twice—and couldn’t stop hearing the God forsaken audiobook. I finally finished this by forcing myself to read the eBook, but let me tell you: I couldn’t bear it. It took me four and a half months.

Because of how disjointed my reading here was, I can’t tell you anything about the plot. Don’t know if it worked, couldn’t keep the characters and quests straight. Was not invested. Meg is still sympathetic but gross. A huge amount of Apollo’s charm and wit disappears when you’re bashed over the head repeatedly with the middle grade nature of the writing.

I loved the first book in this series; I was so excited to re-enter this world. But after this one, I’m done. I can’t. Forcing myself into this was awful and I regret it. Once again: not the book’s fault, but the audiobook’s.