A review by laureninthebuf
The Great Passion by James Runcie


I keep going back and fourth between 3-4 stars. Call it a 3.5. I’m most glad I read this for all of the times it so accurately put into words how music makes people feel and why it matters so much. I love historical fiction, but it had been a while since I found a story that I felt hadn’t been covered tirelessly in some other way - so I also liked this book very much for that fact.

Those two things being said - this book takes work. I think without some working knowledge of musical composition it would be entirely over a reader’s head. I even wish I had been reading it on Kindle - so that I could use the translate and wiki functions. I think there would have been so much more to take in - so much more of the author’s work to appreciate - if I’d been to willing to dive a little deeper on some of the topics.

There were so many lines in this that warranted a second read - because they just SAID so much. Things about life you want to write down and think about because they make you say “yes, that’s true. Exactly that.”