A review by enne
The Resolutions by Mia Garcia


5 stars

I honestly do not even know where to begin with this book because there are so many things that I loved about it.

This follows four friends who decide to write each other's new year's resolutions over the course of the year as they struggle to complete them. I thought each of the characters was really well-developed and stood aside on their own perfectly, but my favorite part of this book was the friendship dynamic between the four of them. This is closely followed by the fact that there is no major falling out between the friends at all over the course of the story!! The book doesn't rely on drama between the four friends to carry the story and I really appreciated that. Throughout the course of the novel, their care and love for each other is constantly emphasized and it just,,, made me so happy.

I also really loved all of the individual storylines within this book and I think they were all given ample time to develop and grow which I really appreciated. I felt all of the characters' worries and insecurities so deeply and I adore the way Mia Garcia wrote their emotions.

I loved reading about Nora and her worries with going to culinary school and leaving her family cafe behind. I also just loved reading about Nora baking because I am a very big fan of baking books and this one definitely didn't disappoint on that front!! Nora is also in the cutest (sapphic) relationship for the entirety of this book and this brought me so much joy.

I loved reading about Lee and her struggles and insecurities and I also really liked the direction that her particular story took. I have to say I am also a very big fan of how this one concluded, even though it wasn't in the way I was expecting.

I loved reading about Ryan's struggle with rediscovering who he is outside of his relationship with his ex-boyfriend and coming back to art. The last few chapters from Ryan's POV made me incredibly emotional because they hit really close to home for me. I love Ryan with all of my heart that's all, thanks.

I especially loved reading about Jess and the amount of pressure she puts on herself to perform and to not let anyone down and to constantly take on more responsibilities. Everything that was said in Jess' chapters hit so close to home for me, especially with the way she feels like she's never enough and too much for other people at the same time. This book was very validating in that regard. I cried a lot.

I also really appreciate how family is a really big part of this book as well. The families of our four main characters differ significantly from each other, but they're all present and they're a significant part of the story in every character's case. I loved seeing them interact with their families and I loved the way they contributed to the main arcs of the book. Also?? Ryan's grandmother literally deserves the world I will not be taking any criticisms on this.

There isn't really a central plot to the story besides the resolutions, which kind of sprout off into the four different storylines that I discussed above, so I guess the last thing to talk about is the friendship, since I started with that as well. Throughout the story, the friendships between different characters grow and change as they rely more on each other and are more open and honest with each other and I honestly loved every second of it. I love reading about messy teens supporting messy teens and that's exactly what this book gave me and I love it with all of my heart.