A review by helgamharb
Zero Days by Ruth Ware


*A rant review. Do not unfriend me, please!

Adrenaline-fueled, this was not!

The married couple Jack and Gabe are hired hackers. Their job is to physically and digitally break into companies’ security system and report back to the self-same company if there is any loophole needs filling.

One night after a troublesome job, Jack arrives home to find her husband murdered. It takes our smart heroin more than half hour to call the police. Furthermore, there is no evidence of an intruder and the police zoom on her as a suspect.
That’s when things go South.

Usually when I read a thriller, especially when it involves a fight or flight situation, I tend to put myself in the protagonist’s shoes. I ask myself would I do what she did?
In this case, the answer is a resounding NO!

For example, if I’m in the business of legitimate hacking, I would make sure I have the legal papers proving that I am who I say I am and I do what I do by the authorization of whatever company hired me to do it.

For example, it won’t take me more than half an hour to call the police/scream my head off/bang on neighbors’ doors as soon as I see a body with his throat cut.

I wonder, was there an obligation for the author to write a 500000 word book?
Is that why she wrote it in first person, so the narrator could go on and on and on about trivialities? I mean was it necessary for us to read about how much she paid for the taxi or the other nonsensical thoughts she thought? And let me tell you, she thought a lot of thoughts. I pity her brain!

Her nonstop inner monologue was truly annoying. I swear to all the gods on Olympus if one more time I read “if Gabe were alive…”!!!

The air-dropping of the F bomb in virtually every page was super annoying. And this comes from me who am a generous user of the said word when flustered.

Also, the main culprit's identity was very predictable.