A review by blissbooksandjewels
Stand-In Groom by Kaye Dacus


Romance stories are not typically my cup of tea. When I first started reading fiction a lot, they were, but I no longer go out of my way any more to read a romance. Well.....I'm glad I decided to make an exception for Stand-in Groom! This is a romance done right!

Anne's career choice alone really makes this book stand out. I had a brief desire at one point in my life to be a wedding planner, but now that I actually know what's involved, plus reading how Anne practically runs herself ragged day after day.....let's just say that I'll leave that job to the professionals. I loved how she really cared for each one of the brides that she worked with, so much so that she would drop everything at a moment's notice to help one of them through a crisis.

And then, there's George.... My, my, my! He set my heart to flutterin' from the moment he first met Anne. Initially, his part in the story was a little confusing, especially trying to distinguish between the role he was trying to play and the person he really was, but things quickly became easy to follow. Oh, and did I mention that he's British? And such a perfect gentleman? Wow!

Parts of the story were slightly predictable, but I was genuinely surprised a couple times along the way. I also appreciated how the romance progressed slowly throughout the book and not just in one big lump; it just made the story that much more believable.

All that's left to say is that I will definitely be reading more from Kaye Dacus! This was an impressive debut novel, and I have no doubt that the rest of this series will be just as exceptional! Bravo!