A review by the_bee_writes
Poems by Jessie Lemont, Rainer Maria Rilke


If you are interested in the artistic development of Rainer Maria Rilke then this book gives you a competent guide. The author explains a lot in prose but unfortunately there are not a lot of examples of the poets poems which is a shame.

I am not sure about the quality of the translations: As being German speaking I have been reading Rilke in German for many years. In German his words have a certain melody which I can not find in the translations. But I have also been translating poems from German into English and some things just can not be said in the other language. It seems to me that translating poetry is a lot more difficult than translating prose.

If you want to know about the poet and his development this is a very good book to start with. The chosen poems give a good overview over his work and might give you a taste for more.