A review by amanda_p
Cavas by Laurann Dohner




Did I enjoy reading this? Yes...but it was the same kind of enjoyment one gets when eating a nostalgic treat and realizing it just doesn't taste the same anymore and coats your tongue all funny and leaves a chemical taste in your mouth.

The Vorge crew is losing their shine. Things started to go downhill with York, but I've been clinging on hoping it was just a slump. These are pretty simple and trite tales, nothing too complicated to digest, just straight forward and high on the cheese factor. They're perfect for an enjoyable evening, kind of like a made-for-TV movie you've seen a dozen times before and like the company of. They're comfortable. Safe. Familiar. Pretty ridiculous in a fun way.

Cavas tried to be heavier on action, focusing on finding the youngest of the Vellar litter in a race against their comically caricaturish villain father who is apparently out to dig the deepest hole for himself...but instead of Crath, Cavas finds Jill. He shows subtle but mild interest in her, nothing that reads as love. So hey, it's not insta-love, but it's also fairly easy to dismiss when that's kind of what is expected. These books are not long enough to really develop a relationship slowly, however. And so...It happens.

What is It?

Oh, It is something.

Since York, these books have borderline treated the FMC as a commodity that was picked up and feels like she's interchangeable with any other woman, but this book took it places when
Crath and Cavas have the most bizarre pissing match over Jill. Crath knew her for like a few hours, Cavas has known her almost a day and had some rubbing action with her while under cover, and they start squabbling over who gets to keep her and life lock her. Because...? When Cavas wins, he tells Crath the next human they find can be his.

I just. What the hell is this? Are we not even pretending there needs to be some love and liking each other as people anymore? Women are not pets. And for the matter, do either of you dudes even know when her birthday is or her favorite color? This scene was just ICK. I could deal with the rest of the LD nonsense in this work, but that took the cheap-not-as-good-as-it-used-to-be snack cake.

Will I keep reading The Vorge after this? I'm not sure and leaning towards no. I do not see it getting better and think this might be a good place to part ways with them. I would rather leave on a mostly-enjoyed it than a hate read. I can always revisit Dovis when I feel The Vorge itch.