A review by rukistarsailor
Sapphique by Catherine Fisher


Sapphique was just so fun to read.

I’m unsure how well this installment connects with the first book (for example, is the glove even mentioned in Incarceron??), and there are some confusing and/or illogical parts. Additionally, I don’t love the politics or the ending.
SpoilerSo I guess we’re still cool with a huge section of society living in a prison? There’s a major difference between feeling imprisoned and actually being imprisoned. I think everyone should have been released from Incarceron in the end—like isn’t that the whole point? Also, how does Finn have any claim to power still? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE that their whole world fell apart, but I thought that would show the characters that the monarchy was all a construct and that, without the ability to control everyone’s lives, any claim to the throne would crumble. The conditions were PERFECT for revolution; Fisher should have taken advantage of that fact.

Pushing my complaints to the side, I still think the characters, world building, and plot are wonderful. Sapphique is ultimately just so entertaining to me.