A review by ibri
Lost Archive by Isaac Winter


Don't bother with it it isn't good (though I think the beginning wasn't as bad.) I had some hope that an Academic could make an interesting MC but he becomes such a generic LitRPG MC once he switches worlds. Anyway the main weaknesses are probably crappy character writing and that the dialog was quite a few times of for the actual situation/story

SpoilerAre in cells he sees runes tinker tells him to use them since they might help them then is all "how did you do that" when he gets a simple door opening spell.

Tinker uses scroll to see rune and asks "Do you see the world like that all the time" "Pretty much" ignoring that he has turned it of half the time at the beginning, based on the description the only thing to see at the moment is the ruins glowing a bit.

They go in the ruins and he says something about the source having to be behind the pillar (or some other obstacle) goes around it and attacks at the same time. First he has no reason to think there is a living being behind or that it is an enemy. Anyway they fight a bit he recognizes the enemy and they stop. But then the dialog is as if she started the fight, you were the one to attack her without provocation…

The book isn't the worst thing I have ever read but it has nothing redeeming to make it worth reading.