A review by readcover2cover
Katherine by Anya Seton


3.5 stars (but I'll round up to 4 because I think it probably deserves it). This book was very well-written, but loooooong. My interest ebbed and flowed throughout the reading I think just because of the length. Katherine Swynford is a historical figure that I knew nothing about, but enjoyed learning about. She and John, Duke of Lancaster, had a pretty epic love story in real life, so reading a fictionalized version was very interesting. I liked Katherine's character and thought her development as she grew up and into adulthood was well-done. Like it said, it was a long book that took me quite a while to get through. This isn't necessarily bad, but sometimes I did have trouble focusing. I'd like to read Alison Weir's [b:Katherine Swynford: The Story of John of Gaunt and His Scandalous Duchess|499712|Katherine Swynford The Story of John of Gaunt and His Scandalous Duchess|Alison Weir|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1328131007l/499712._SY75_.jpg|487826] now to see how much of this book is true and how much was made up. Overall, I'm glad I read it finally (it's been on my shelf a long time) and thought it was pretty decent.