A review by semperlunaris
Girl, Missing by Sophie McKenzie


Seeing this on my feed was a blast from the past - I actually remember the author coming to our High School back in the day to talk about it and another book she'd written (pink and yellow cover?). I can't remember the reason for the assembly but I do remember how hyped we were for this book and promptly bought our own copies and read it during break and lunch times (and we totally didn't start dreaming about writing our own novels...).

Taking the nostalgia goggles off, this is a pretty simplistic book with a very far-fetched and convenient plot-line; but that's Rhia in her late 20s talking - Rhia who was 14/15 when she read this? LOVED IT. (hence 3/5 stars, averaging the score between older/younger me)

Never read the rest of the series because [b:Twilight|41865|Twilight (The Twilight Saga, #1)|Stephenie Meyer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1361039443l/41865._SY75_.jpg|3212258] became an all-consuming force in my friendship group, but Girl, Missing definitely had it's well-deserved moment in the sun!