A review by anastasiarozova
Warcross by Marie Lu



"Every locked door has a key. Every problem has a solution."

Yes, it was cliche in some moments, and even had the stupid "I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding" phrase three goddamn times! But I LOVED IT. I certainly didn't expect to, cause I've never read anything by Marie Lu. Plus, initially this book was on my "maybe" shelf. I wasn't even going to read it any time soon. And then I had a sudden urge, and thank the gods I did. So glad I picked it up and read it.

I love virtual realities, it's one of my favourite plot lines in books, movies, anime, etc. When I was adding the book to my "maybe" shelf, I didn't really know what it was about. So when I heard my buzz words, I decided to pick it up, even though I was hesitant. So, so happy I did.

I adored the plot, it hooked me from the very beginning. Maybe it wasn't the most innovative plot, had a lot of YA cliches, it worked for this book. Plus the writing style made it very easy to read.

Characters. First of all, I liked the realness. Like we had characters from different countries, with different backgrounds, sexualities, we had a disabled character, a traumatized one (although this one is arguable). And what I loved the most that none of it was emphasised that much? I mean, they were all just there, without making a big deal out of it, cause the novel had different intentions.

I loved our main protagonist Emika, even though I can't say she was all that original. But she was smart, strong-willed, never whined much. She was just generally appealing and I enjoyed reading about her a lot. I loved the info about her family, her dad. That was interesting.
Also loved her teammates, too bad we didn't get to know much about them, I hope it's gonna change in the next book.
I loved Hideo.
Interesting, how his story is gonna continue.
Zero. I mean. Yeah. I mean. If you read it, you know. I have my theories about him:
we've seen Hideo alter his memories. And I know, he was a child. But what if Sasuke's disappearance really was his fault in some ways? And he just altered his memories, hid them in his subconscious. It's a wild theory, but who knows.

The relationship felt a bit insta-lovey for me, but not annoyingly so? I still shipped them. A lot.

Oh, we had some plot twist, but I totally called one.
SpoilerLike I knew that Hideo's brother is gonna be Zero from the moment we got a second mention of him. I just knew.
AND THEN WAS COMPLETELY TAKEN ABACK BY THE OTHER ONE. WTF? I loved this feeling. I hate it when I'm guessing the twists, cause I'm usually bad at it. So when I've seen one from a mile away, that means it was way too transparent. But the second one took me by surprised.

Thanks, Marie. Thanks for another favourite.