A review by reading_no_shelf_control
Ex Best Thing by Marika Ray


A solid 4.5 stars. The only thing really keeping this story from 5 is that there are some twists that just wouldn't play the same since I would know what it coming. Daire, Frowny frowncakes, is a the complete opposite of Izzy. He was a class A douche (especially to Izzy's sister), but since some things have happened, he is starting to look at the world in a different light. Izzy is the quiet background Waldo sister, but possibly the strongest in the group. She really does embody all that is good in all her sisters! I loved watching her grow into herself and learn who she wants to be, not who she is expected to be! The quiet ones are the ones that can surprise us the most!
Izzy and Daire are amazing together, both learning and growing... *sigh* swoon!