A review by taranicolewilson
The Waking Forest by Alyssa Wees


3.5 Stars

Really cool concept with this book!
I wish it was executed just a little bit better honestly.

The dialogue was cringe af, half the time I was sitting there just rereading it out loud and laughing to myself because no normal human being speaks like this.

The romance is completely forced and I felt no connection at all between the two characters. The only reason they “love” eachother is because the story needs it....BLEH

Another thing, I really wish we spent more time in the second half. The first half was nice towards the end but it was beginning to really drag on and the whole book did take a while to start up.

Also: all the sisters names start with r’s: Rhea, Rose, Raveena, and Rena? (Sorry im blanking on the last name but this just further proves my point)
Its too confusing! I didn’t know which one was which!

Cool things!!
Making the connections in the second half with info from the first is the best feeling, btw I predicted the story right which doesn’t happen that often because I’m stupid HA
The descriptions for the Witch?? Like beautiful amazing perfect??
The magical world is soooo cool (but again, I wish it was seen and explained more)

This is one of those books you should go back and reread with all the info in mind, and see everything you missed. Sadly, my TBR pile is too big, so I won’t be doing that any time soon.

PS: Guillermo Del Toro can you make a movie based on this concept please?