A review by mistysreads
Wild Steamy Hook-Up by Piper Rayne


It's hard to say whether or not I have a favorite brother, you just can't choose between Enzo, Carm, and Dom. The women that each have chosen make them a better man, but it isn't until Dom and Val's story that you're heart just breaks open. Dom found his soul mate when he was in elementary school. They grew up together and fell in love. Dom wanted to conquer the world before he settled down so his family would never have to worry about money. As a broker he has almost done that, but he is missing something … the love of his life. Their relationship is on and off again, but it isn't until his story that we actually get to see him happy and smile.

Val is a dancer who got pregnant after a one night stand during an off-time with Dom. When they wake up married in Vegas their first reaction is that it was a mistake and to get an annulment. When their parents find out, they have no choice but to give it three months to see if they can make it work. They do their best to avoid one another, until they just can't anymore.

Val makes Dom smile, makes him happy. Over the course of the brother's books we only ever see him unhappy and unsmiling and that is what shows you she is the difference. They may have screwed up and gotten married in Vegas while drunk but they were always meant for one another. I love how their parents manipulated them into seeing that for themselves and even Ryder (Val's Son) is happy to see his mom so happy. While Enzo's story is my favorite, I think that Dom is my favorite brother. I also love how they always solve disagreements about things they don't want to do by using Rock, Paper, Scissors. It usually ends up with Enzo having to do the task because he doesn't win a lot, but I love the dynamic between the brothers.

Received ARC in exchange for voluntary honest review (White Collar Brothers: The Complete Series)