A review by divapitbull
Into the Hollow by Karina Halle


2 ½ stars but I just can’t bring myself to round up.
Into the Hollow picks up right where On Demon Wings left off. Perry was medically cleared at the hospital and sent home because despite what she believes, no insurance company wants to pay exorbitant amounts of money for unneeded treatment (they barely want to pay reasonable amounts of money for necessary care). Still, she’s feeling very vulnerable living at home; her former psychiatrist had the nerve to suggest to her parents that they keep an eye on her and she doesn’t know how she can look her mother in the eye knowing that she “put Perry’s grandmother away and condemned her to a horrible life”. Oh wait, Pippa, Perry’s grandmother; by her own admission tried to kill herself by jumping in front of a train and then mentally deteriorated so badly she needed round the clock care. So, the State hospitalized Pippa not Perry’s mother – a fact both Pippa and Perry (2 founding members of the “Take no responsibility, Blame everyone else” Club) shockingly can’t see.

Perry (speaking of being a club member) is still furious at Dex for having sex with her then dissing her and breaking her heart. Forget that Perry intentionally manipulated Dex into having sex with her when she knew he was vulnerable, intoxicated and struggling with an (albeit tumultuous and ambivalent) relationship with his long term, live in girlfriend. Still he owed her, despite that they had no conversations about expectations and intentions. But Perry needs to get out of her parent’s home before it’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and with no money and no job it’s either Dex or Maximus and since Maximus bailed Dex out of jail, Dex wins. Dex for his part is claiming to be a changed man. He cares about Perry and is going to do everything in his power to make things right. Unfortunately, he’s also a card-carrying club member. On the drive to Seattle Dex has himself a little impassioned “you didn’t tell me, and I had a right and that was my baby too” hissy; and I’m sorry…. when the last words you say after sex are “You’re just reading too much into this. Typical” – get the fuck out of here with “your rights”. Poor Fatty Rab, forced to live with these twatwaffles.

So that’s how Perry came to be living with Dex in Seattle and then back to working on Experiment in Terror and off to the Rockies in BC to hunt a Sasquatch plaguing a llama outfitter who organizes camping and hunting trips. Just when you’re expecting to get on with the story and for things to start getting squatchy….sadly we get visited by the relationship drama llamas. Into the Hollow focuses more on Dex and Perry and their relationship and the story is secondary. Since right now I don’t like either Dex OR Perry and aside from thinking that they deserve each other – have no other “feels” about their “relationship”….I was less than entertained. The squatch story did pick up towards the end but it was too little, too late. Rest In Peace Apricot.