A review by rosepoints
Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited by Vladimir Nabokov


there is something so elegantly haunting in nabokov's prose, despite english not being his native language, and it makes me eager to read more of his work. 

i originally started this book in order to buddy-read with my friend, who is currently taking a course on russian literature. this was assigned at the start of the syllabus, presumably to better understand the author, and i almost skipped over it in favor of starting his novels sooner. however, i really do think that this lends an insight into nabokov's thinking process and how his nostalgia and his life informs his writing. although this is billed as an autobiography, i almost feel like this is a series of dream-like musings and nostalgia veiled in rose-tinted glasses. that's normally a turn-off for me when it comes to memoirs but i think nabokov's prose makes up for it. 

excited to read more of his works!