A review by just_fighting_censorship
Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity by Matt Wagner


My biggest issue with this was the tone. It felt off to me, like it was really trying to be something epic but was missing ingredients. Instead of being fun, it felt like it took itself a little too seriously. Maybe part of my bias is based on a general disinterest in Ra's al Ghu, but I enjoyed [b:Injustice 2, Vol. 2|36022863|Injustice 2, Vol. 2|Tom Taylor|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1519399920l/36022863._SY75_.jpg|57595928] which I read right before picking this up, and I enjoyed that story.

I didn't think this installment had anything special to say about the characters and the plot was forgettable and felt very generic. A fine comic, but nothing noteworthy in my book.