A review by amyiw
Grave Dance by Kalayna Price


Solid 3 maybe 3.25
This was better than the first. It didn't have quite as much of the young adult vibe as the first, where she seemed to be coming into her own even though she actually learns a lot more about herself and Fairy. As much as we learn about this other realm and the rules, we get questions, and more questions than answers. Still the main 'mystery' is answered as to who and why the constructs are being made, but still that isn't totally answered either.
Spoiler So one of the reapers that had a hand in this gets carried off but we don't get why or what happened only that there was a forbidden love. Why? And now we don't know where this new enemy of Alex is.

My main issue with this book is that although there is the plot of the feet, magic circles, and constructs, it really doesn't feel like the main story of the book. Instead the main story seems to be Alex's Fae origins and these new powers of open rifts along with her relationship with Death and Falin. And all three of these are furthered in this book but none are answered and some are left with more questions than we came into it. To me it was cliffy without being a true cliffhanger. Three side plots that gained more of my attention than the main plot and left to be answered in the future, and I can almost guaranty that the future is not in the next book but probably several books down the line. I would stop here but only need two more to fullfill a yearly challenge and was lucky enough to get all the audios from hoopla this month. So I'll continue and who knows, maybe I'll start loving it and questions will start to be answered instead of asked. It is not bad, just not my favorite or really good enough for me to want to continue except for some sort of outside push.