A review by alongreader
Femlandia by Christina Dalcher


I'm never quite sure what Christina thinks of men. They're always the agressors, the evil, in her books, but there are always good male characters as well. However, in this one, even though Miranda argues that men can learn to be better if they're taught better, the epilogue seems to contradict it. Christina seems to think that men are intrinsically bad and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

There's a lot to unpick in this novel. There are some fairly serious triggers and I can understand why a lot of readers have had to take breaks or put the book down. I had to take some sections slowly.

I always enjoy a good cult novel, and this is one of the good ones. Although we, on the outside, can see the manipulations easily, it's harder for the people in the middle of it, and everyone's reactions made sense, however horrific they were. I did see the twist coming (I read a fanfic like this a few years ago) but I can see where other people would be surprised by it, as it is pretty shocking.

I did think the background was a bit confusing. I could have done with more explanation. But I was able to follow more or less without it anyway.

I'd love to revisit the world again - either in those missing years or afterwards - but then again I'll read almost anything Christina puts out.