A review by francesca_rock
Quinn by Iris Johansen


This is book two in the series that explains what happened to Bonnie in the Eve Duncan series. Though I enjoy Iris Johansen, these would be the only books I've read of that series in order and have a continued interest in. Probably because each of these books ends in a cliff hanger - I'm immediately like - WTF happens?!

I did enjoy the contrast from book one to two in that in the first book Eve's relationship with Gallo is explained - there is quite a bit of history that is given there. In this book, we finally see how Eve and Joe meet and not quite fall in love or lust, but certainly appreciate each other. I have to say that whenever I have read an Eve Duncan book, that is something I have always wondered about.

The plot was really quickly paced. I felt like we jumped around a lot (in a good way). First we were in the hospital, and then in the past, and then with Catherine in the swamp, and then finally onto something that would help solve the mystery.

The only detriment is that this is the second book where just as we're about to discover something, the person telling it dies. Annoying! But I suppose if you want to keep a single plot going for three books, that's kind of what you need to do. Still! Bah! Hope that doesn't happen in the next one or I will detect a pattern.

Overall, I enjoyed it. A quick paced mystery can get me every time. A feeling of "I must know what happens" tends to over take me - as it did here.

Going to the grocery story just isn't a priority when the fate of a fictional character is hanging in the balance.

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