A review by flaviathebibliophile
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: A Picture Book by Kim Smith


A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This adaptation of one of my favourite cult classics was adorable! I absolutely loved the style and colours used for the illustrations, and it really took me back and made me “awe” when I saw Buffy, Willow, and Xander as little kids! I was also happy to see Giles make an appearance in this picture book. While I may not be a parent yet, I know that I want my children to feel comfortable with vampires and other monsters (especially around Halloween), and I will definitely, 100%, be reading this book to them!

This author has also written a number of similar books about different pop culture phenomenons like The X Files, Home Alone, Back to the Future, and E.T. the Extra Terrestrial! Next May, she will also have a book out about The Karate Kid! They all look so cute, and I want to collect and read them all (not only for myself, but also for my future children)! But back to Buffy. I really like the spin that Kim Smith put on the story in this book, and although it was short, I found myself caring for the characters, cheering for girl power, and giggling and smiling at a number of different scenes! I definitely recommend this one to Buffy fans and to those who have seen few or zero episodes!