A review by paddlefoot55
Levi's Blue by M. Leighton



ARC received from author for an honest review

I was not sure what to expect when I picked up Levi's Blue, but being a M. Leighton book, I knew it would be good.

And it was more than good.

From the first word to the last I was drawn into the of Evian de ChampLain - Evie. She was not our usual heroine. I tell you what, she really is the master of making lemonade out of the lemons life has thrown her way. Made me feel a bit bad about the things I whinge and whine about in life (come on, we all do it!)

From the moment we meet Levi I was hooked. There was just something about the man that I couldn't help but adore. And even though part of his and Evie's storyline was quite predictable, it was how we got there and where we were taken afterwards that kept me intrigued.

There were some great secondary characters, but there were also some characters that I wanted to slap with my kindle.

Ms Leighton has created a beautiful, colourful, wonderful world that made me see things in a completely different way. It has made me want to (when it finally stops raining here) take the time out to just sit, close my eyes and listen to the world.

Levi's Blue is a beautiful and at times heartbreaking romance, and has left me wanting more.

I can't wait to see what Ms Leighton brings us next.

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