A review by casacostello
Lessons: Part 3 by Jenny Colgan, Jane Beaton


I think I've reached the end of the road with this series. It was light and fairly enjoyable but I definitely found myself feeling something was lacking from my reading experience and have headed straight for a gritty murder afterwards.

There seemed a bit too much missing each other by co-incidence here. We all knew they would get together at the end - there could have been much more of a story around the other characters. I'm not sure the new girl, Isme added much to the equation, other than for another thing for Fliss to fixate on. Will someone please do something about that girl's confidence?

What was the story with Ash all about too? Seemed like that was just thrown in there. A couple of comments about it not being good to go back to a relationship after a suicide attempt but actually that is exactly what happened. And then we are made to believe it wasn't a 'real' attempt! Ugh!

On the other hand, I thought the writing was strong enough when discussing David in his new school. This seemed fairly realistic (although are Ofsted seriously going to keep that Headteacher in there?)