A review by blodeuedd
The Dirt on Ninth Grave by Darynda Jones


I do confess, it was soooo annoying reading this book. I really hope it did not reflect on how I liked it. See, the formatting sucked. I hate uneven edges, I hate when you turn the page and there is one word there, and then one on the next.

Ok, Charley has amnesia after a meltdown. Angels want her to leave this life. Her friends want her back. She works in a diner. All her friends are in town and trying to subtly nestle themselves into her new life without telling her YOU ARE CHARLEY!

The kid thing is still, omg, no, I could never do that.

Reyes, well i did like that she met him for the first time again and thought he was hot, mmmmmmm *melts into Reyes puddle*

I did like that she had her snark. That she solved 2 mysteries. It was old Charley you know. But what I did not like was that time stood still, nothing could happen to move the actual plot forward.

Reyes! Oh I forgot myself. I meant to say good book.