A review by chelseammg
Claim Me: The Stark Series #2 by J. Kenner


First I want to say thank you to Ms. Kenner for not giving us the cliffhanger that would have been so very easy to give. I was literally holding my breath waiting for it and squealed when it wasn't there.

Moving on. The second book of the Start Trilogy starts with the agreement between Damien and Nikki coming to it's end. The painting is done and their time is up. Thankfully, neither of them are ready to let go of each other.

"No," he says. "I want to be clear. I don't want our arrangement to end. You're mine, and there are rules. And I want our game to continue."

Umm, ok!

What we see most of in this book are Damien's secrets. And boy, are they doozies! He has secrets about secrets. Secrets unfolding out of every corner. Bottom line, Damien is one messed up boy. However, he is also loving, loyal, kind, and fiercely protective of our dear Nikki. He is alpha to the core, but not an asshole. Major difference. So many alpha/protective characters cross the line from protective to utterly controlling/asshole. It's a fine line and Damien doesn't cross it, which makes him so damn hot!

Now, Nikki. She is still finding her strength. She still needs the pain to deal with feeling out of control. She finds the pain in her games with Damien but there are times she finds herself needing more. It takes time for Nikki to realize how strong she really is. How much she has overcome and how much she can go through and come out fine. At the end of the book I was cheering for her incredible strength. She really pulled it out and put it on stage for everyone (and I mean everyone!) to see. It was so great to see!

Supporting characters are all still the same. Evelyn and Jamie are absolute dolls. I love them both. I am done with Ollie. He is being an ass of epic proportions. However, I still am holding out hope that he will redeem himself and be the friend that Nikki needs.

Of course you have the scorching hot sex to keep you entertained in this book too. Yes, it's hot. Majorly hot. Melt your panties hot. Just like you expect it to be.

There are still a lot of unanswered questions that need to be wrapped up in the final installment in this series. However, the questions aren't about whether Damien and Nikki are going to be together. In my heart, I believe that they have weathered the storm and now they are a force against everything else together. Now we just have to wrap it all up, find out who the assholes are and get them their happy ever after! Easy peasy!

ARC provided by Random House Publishing Group-Bantam Dell via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review