A review by edshara
Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann


This wasn’t terrible but I didn’t love it. It was cute. I won’t comment on the ace rep since I have no personal experience in that area but I was glad that Alice was able to accept herself, in the end.

At times this felt more high school than college to me. Many of the problems could have been solved with some good old fashioned communication and understanding. Then to top it off things were said and done that were petty and immature and while their was reconciliation, it just seemed like all was forgiven because that was more convenient than staying angry.

I disliked Alice’s mom and sister. Alice’s sister was a bully and had no redeeming qualities. Her mom seemed like she cared more about what she wanted and how Alice’s choices would make her look, than she was about her own child’s happiness. I mean what’s the harm in going to school and then potentially getting a job in a career you won’t like as long as the parents look good? Alice’s brother and dad were only slightly better.

I also didn’t like how when Alice finally figured things out, she made a very broad statement to a person she cared about, then got upset when he needed to think things through. I get that she had been hurt in the past, but you’re asking someone to accept you, while at the same time rejecting them because they didn’t respond with the correct response quick enough. They both had to make adjustments and understand where the other was coming from.

I can see how this book would/could be important for ace representation but I do think some of the other flaws overshadow it.