A review by im211
Draekora by Lynette Noni


Amazing storytelling despite a few elements of predictability the story stuck with me long after I was done reading.

A copy Received From : Net Galley.
Age Range : YA 12 up ( Clean read)

The future was a terrifying thing; something that, no matter how strong her will, she had no control over. But she did have a choice. A choice not to fear what was yet to come. Because fear would keep her from doing what she knew she had to do.

In a nutshell

Drakaero follows Alex returning to Meya to hone her Meyan abilities with the help of Roka, Kyia and Zain but justwhen things were getting started Alex lands into an unexpected whirlpool of events...which vaguely speaking involved...Dragons, Time traveling, Aven a peaceful human-Meyan community, and unexpected arrays of characters which we grow to love, and an angst filled development...and much more...

We have a strong, witty MC leading us through the story, wonderful portrayal of friendship, getting to know more of the characters (allies and villain alike) making the storyline enjoyable and along with it in Draekora we also experience more of the Medoran Background making the story flesh out as we progress through the series. I'm also anticipating how these characters would play out in the upcoming books and how turn of events in this book will turn out in future.

“You, kitten, are going to be the death of me.”


This book made me love the supporting characters (which spanned the meyans)! We get to get a glimpse of how normal life Medora was before Aven disrupted everything...and best of all getting to see the shift of character in Aven firsthand...and it was pretty well done, if though a bit predictable to me. The way the story began to descended into a darker atmosphere as we are being lead into a seemingly inevitable was intriguing and well developed.

'I’ll see you soon, my mortal friend', he whispered back to her, unknowingly repeating the words he’d said to her once before—long into the future. 'But not as soon as you’ll see me. '

I was full of emotions as we strode to what would be the breaking point of the once perfect Meya and it did not disappoint me...tearfully. And then there’s a whirlpool of events that take place in the present it felt me dizzy (in a good way) and I wondered - worried how Alex would sort her way through but Alex is a remarkably strong character and we do see her grow in this book and by then its promising that the next sequel will not disappoint.

she desperately longed for the comfort Akarnae provided and she couldn’t wait to see her friends and family again, but with what lay ahead…
“Have no fear, child, for all shall work out just as it should.”

And no I haven’t forgotten the Draekons...Xira reminded me so much of Toothless in some way...mabe his adorability. And how Alex and even me chummied up with him from the start. Lynette Noni knows how to portray friendship so beautifully its leaves me all warm and fuzzy!

'Thanks for saving my life today. I know this whole situation is about a thousand different kinds of crazy
Spoilerand I haven’t been quiet about not wanting to be stuck in the past.
But the truth is, everything happens for a reason, and I wouldn’t be here—alive—without you. So, thanks for bonding with me.'
Xiraxus responded, 'Aw, shucks, Alex. We’re having a moment.'...Instead of saying anything more, she sent him a mental image of her whacking him over the head with a pillow. In return, she received a deep belly laugh..

Alex did miss present time Medora and her family nd friends but I felt no emotion from or even much of a longing to go back home despite her apparent role there
I believe being stuck out of time unprepared regardless of your new companions would trigger a homesickness no matter how trying the current situation is...she felt almost stringent throughout no muddlings of feelings Id expected. Thankfully she didn’t become a wimp in the coarse of the story but I would’ve liked it to have more feels.

Anticipitating Graevale!