A review by lezreadalot
ILYBSM: I Love You Both So Much by J.E. Birk, Leslie McAdam, Rachel Ember


2.5 stars. This was fun and cute, but ultimately not really my cup of tea. The premise was really great, a poly romance about three college friends who come back together after a fracture to help get a struggling Christmas tree farm back on its feet. I liked the things it said about friendship dynamics, and how hard it can be to be in the middle of friends having a fight, working out the things that drove you apart. And it was friends to lovers on all three legs of the triangle. That's my fave trope! But I don't know, it just wasn't vibing with me. It very much felt like a new adult book, even though they're all in their mid to late 20s, and I just don't enjoy those kinds of vibes. It just read a lot younger than I was expecting. None of the supposedly comedic parts actually made me laugh, and the whole gimmick about Jeb being clueless about what three-way meant was just a little silly to me, and not in a good way. There were lots of cute holiday activities and traditions, but maybe because I wasn't into the plot that much, it didn't give me those Christmassy feelings I wanted. The pacing wasn't my favourite either? Writing a book between three authors seems like a fun and challenging endeavour, and kudos to them for doing it, but again, this just wasn't my speed.