A review by nerdontheloose
The Lost World: The Junior Novelization by Gail Herman


There are so many good things about this book, I could just go on and on, definitely better than the first one.

I really loved the character of Sarah Harding, such a high model of girl power who stands up against stereotypes, doesn't know how to give up, and saves the day. Kelly was a representation of how we discourage smart girls into thinking that's not how they are supposed to be and take away all their confidence. Arby, is of course what we get from educated, smart parents but Kelly shows that smartness can still flourish despite all the odd circumstances. All in all, I think all these characters somehow relate to the story, in more ways than one. The character of Levine as a representation of a typical scientist was spot on (no offence).

I wished Ian had more to do in this book than what he did in the previous one (sigh!). I guess the most he can do is appear in iterations at the start of every chapter and try and take away all the credit. Also, I kinda missed Grant from the previous book, he was such a likable character.