A review by hg126
When I Say No, I Feel Guilty: How to Cope--Using the Skills of Systematic Assertive Therapy by Manuel J. Smith


This is possibly the most misogynistic book I have ever read. It's almost comically sexist. All the negative figures are women. Women are housewives, secretaries and typists. One climbs as high as office supervisor!

But that's fluff compared to the real nastiness; an incident of domestic abuse is used as a funny anecdote.

The 'hero' of one example is a nasty, weak willed, passive drunk who threatens to beat his wife. The wife he threatens with domestic violence is portrayed as the bad guy for 'nagging'. The hero of another example, who leaves his clothes scattered around the house, is encouraged to assertively explain to his wife that he doesn't care that she wants a tidy home.

The author suggests that sexual dysfunction in women is a form of deliberate manipulation designed to 'cut up' their husbands. He describes dyspareunia as 'sexual malingering' - as though experiencing involuntary physical pain were the equivalent of bunking off work!

The author also portrays the idea of having gay friends as 'threatening'.

I know this was originally published in the 70s, but it was republished as recently as 2011. Come on.