A review by congressbaby143
The Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie


Thoroughly enjoyed it. I was rooting for Katherine Grey.

It was in this novel that I appreciated the fact that there are writers such as Ms. Agatha Christie (and Alex Hirsch) who rejoice and respect the participation and intelligence of their fans and readers, so much so that when their readers are invested with a story and make conjectures and guesses of how the end goes, they are not suddenly surprised by a knife to the back of the brave queen turning mad (side eyeing David Benioff and all of GoT who betrayed their fans). It is not that Poirot’s mystery are easy, it is that we somehow understand some of the formula that Ms. Christie uses in her story and we look for the answers as much as the characters in the book do and when we find in the end that our guesses are right, it is much much more satisfying, really, than that of a surprise one. I appreciated it so much in this novel because I had the hunch about the secretary and Ms. Christie laid it out for me nicely in a way that is still very enjoyable to someone who may have seen how it ends. She respects her readers and we love her for it.

I really liked the characters in this one. It was nice, too, how Katherine’s supernatural feeling of the murdered lady’s presence was not dismissed by Poirot. Ms. Christie makes such complex characters especially with different women characters and I love that Papa Poirot drinks from that same respect-the-women juice lol