A review by colee
The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe by Jane Wagner


I read this a few years ago for the first time and now I pick it up all the time. It's very rare for a book to make me feel quite like this - so emotionally connected. It truly does give "the goosebump experience."

It's hard to separate the incredible writing and the sound of Lily's delivery in your head as you read it. Every character is so real, so imagned, so different from each other. There are so many different women and so many different stories in this and yet none feel short changed or overlooked.

In the last quarter of the play so much ties together and meld and becomes this more important, bigger thing. Reading this book reminded me why I love people, the beauty of human interconnectedness and to remember that we're all just struggling to live on this one big planet together. This play is so rich and layered and good and I wanna cry whenever I read it.

I want to talk about this play/performance for hours and comb through every last detail with anyone who's seen or read it. I want them to describe how they feel at the end. I want to ask them if they too finished feeling like they knew they answers to the universe, even if they still felt unable to express them.

I love this play. I love this play. I love play. Read it. Read it. Read it.