A review by eupomene
Gateway by Sharon Shinn


The main attraction of this novel, for me, is that it is about a teenage girl who just happens to have been adopted from China. That she was has nothing at all to do with the story (except that she needs to look Chinese) and this is a rare and wonderful thing. I'll be saving it for my daughter so that there is at least a handful of books she can read like this -- one would think there will be more by the time she is a teen.
Beyond that -- I am a fan of Sharon Shinn, though her later works have not wowed me. Her Samaria series still is her best. GATEWAY is a light & lovely little fairy tale of a girl flung into another reality, a parallel world to ours, where she must solve a problem while learning who is telling the truth and who is not. While there, of course she falls in love. It is a classic daydream for many -- to find a new world and to save it - but it is not without heartache.
The beautiful cover doesn't hurt one bit, either.