A review by missmanda
Mercenary Magic by Ella Summers


I am of two minds about this book. On the one hand it is well written. The main characters Sera and Kai are fairly well thought out and have some good depth. The other characters, while maybe less well thought out or at least less explored are interesting as well. It is an interesting story, but SO similar to Linsey Hall's Dragon's Gift: The Huntress Series that they are practically the same story (I don't know who wrote what first, I am just saying they are pretty much the same). Regardless on this hand, it's quite a good book and interesting enough that I immediately read the next book in the series. If you are a fan of sarcastic and snarky wit, this series has got some great moments for you.
On the other hand, what is written is sometimes super annoying. Like I am reading it and I am rewriting it in my head so I won't hate the main characters. For example: when Sera discovers that Kai is the guy who hired her and he is constantly pushing to discover what her magic is, she just keeps standing there saying she is just a dumb brute and he keeps saying things like, "We will talk about this again and I will discover your secret." I am thinking to myself if some jerk said that to me I would be like, "You don't get to know my secrets. We just met, we aren't friends. The privilege of getting to know me and my secrets is reserved for people I like and trust, not some jerk who deceives me and pushes his way into my life demanding to be privy to all my intimate thoughts and feelings." Also, Kai is constantly trying to get into her pants, even though she is his employee and he is pushing a lot of boundaries. But she doesn't tell him that he needs to back off and then hold her ground. She lets him come closer, she says no but means yes. That kind of thing drives me nuts. We expect guys to understand that NO means NO but we keep writing crap that basically tells them we say no when we mean yes. How about you say no and expect him to respect your boundaries? When Kai NEVER shows respect for Sera's boundaries, why does she keep allowing it to happen and never really expects him to stop or makes him respect those boundaries or even talks to him about it? That is so annoying. I mean honestly, I am not a crazy feminist, I just don't understand these books where the main character is supposed to be this badass girl who really just lets the guy walk all over her because he is hot and/or has a lot of money. If you really think he's hot and you are willing to give him a chance, talk to him about his behavior instead of being mad about it but allowing it to happen anyway. Could just be me, but I prefer to read about women who aren't afraid to use their words or their fists as may be necessary. So, in that way, the books by Linsey Hall are actually a little bit better, because her main character might be constantly trying to figure out her feelings, but she does expect people to respect her boundaries. You wanna change the boundaries around later? Fine, that is your choice. Not his. Okay, trying to stop being annoyed by that. Inhale, exhale.....

To sum up: Basically a good book. If you aren't going to be annoyed by the superficial attempt at writing a main character who knows her own mind and is willing to stand her ground, it is even a really good book. Interesting story with some amazing snarky comments. Honestly, I wanted to cut those parts out and keep them for a scrapbook of snark. If you like this book, give "Ancient Magic" by Linsey Hall a chance and then tell me which you think is better.