A review by owlyreadsalot
25 Days 'til Christmas by Poppy Alexander


Here was a book that I wanted to love so much, especially because it included Christmas. That's the main reason I picked up this book, because I wanted a good feels, Christmas miracle story. But, that's far from what this book was and I wasn't prepared for any of it. And yes, all of that made a big difference in how I rated this, but also other parts that really didn't sit well with me.

"When the oxygen masks come down from the ceiling you've got to put your own one on first, haven't you? That's what they tell you. Before you can do anything to save your loved ones, right?' 'Okay, I get it,' muttered Kate. 'A bit of a tortured analogy, but fair enough. I get it. To help Jack I have to help myself be well first."

That's where this all goes wrong. Kate doesn't do much throughout the story to help herself get out of all that surrounds her, and the craziness that keeps trying to take over. And every time I thought some of the story might change for the better, I was proven that it could only go downhill, which is not what I wanted to read during the holidays.

Plus, as the story progresses, the reader is made to feel like there might be a great relationship being setup between Kate and Daniel, but much of that falls flat with everything that keeps getting piled on. Believe me, there is A LOT that gets added in here, much of that is the money issues Kate has (all the way 'til the end of the book) and Daniel's loss, which never truly gets closer. It's really not the holiday read I was expecting, or needing at the time.

"She was sobbing openly as she walked through the teeming crowds on the pavement. People stared; an older woman looked concerned. But nobody approached her, and she was glad. She was on her own again. Just her and Jack against the world."

If this story was marked as a different type of read, meant for a very different time (really not something for the holidays), it might have worked better. It's written in the synopsis that this was "Kate's countdown to the best Christmas ever", which you can see by the quote above (a quote in the last chapters), that it isn't so at all. And when the end finally comes along (STOP HERE if you don't want more spoilers), everything gets wrapped up in the worst possible way.

"I have so much to tell you. What do you need?' 'Money for Maureen's nursing home.' 'Done.' 'A career.' 'Done.' 'A school for Jack.' 'Okay, erm, done. Somehow."

Yup, all of this book, the "I'm going to help myself be well first" never happened. Instead, Daniel comes in and saves the day. Yeah, what did I just read? Not only is the school system made to look bad here also, but Jack never gets his happy ending with all of it. Nothing gets resolved with Kate's work, which I wanted to see her rise above it and win, but hey Daniel is going to give her a career now so no biggy. This book just wasn't for me and that makes me all kinds of sad.

***I received this copy from Orion, through a Goodreads giveaway, in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.***