A review by yvejr
Life on Other Planets: A Memoir of Finding My Place in the Universe by Aomawa Shields

Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
I was enjoying the style at first, but found the pace tops slow and the level of detail around astronomy and analogies and connections too laborious and not in my field of interest. I’m interested in her story, but a much shorter version would be better for me. Maybe if space was a special interest for me, I’d like it. I loved Braiding Sweetgrass in part because it was about plants and each chapter was a self-contained essay. But i loved Finding Me and i don’t care about acting. Somehow I felt like each chapter of this book I was losing the thread of the overall story. Too much of a reach maybe. Maybe I was expecting a biography and not a memoir? Anyways, I’m glad the author found a medium to express herself and marry her interests further - and reflect on her family as it sounds like they are really important to her, and amazing people.