A review by bookph1le
The Paradox Hotel by Rob Hart


2.5 stars

There were a lot of things I liked about this book, but it just didn't hang together for me. I did get impatient at times, but I thought Hart did a good job of handling January's self-destructiveness. As a character, I liked her quite a bit as I found her human and quite believable, even if she is extremely exasperating at times.

The concept of this book was really interesting too. The problem is, I found it hard to follow what was going on. I thought the structure was okay, but the flipping between time periods sometimes made me have to go back and reread to reorient myself. I also found it very hard to keep track of the characters for some reason.

Even though this one was a bit of a letdown, I like what this author has done so far and do want to read his next book.