A review by unabridgedchick
The Paris Winter by Imogen Robertson


Wonderfully fun. Loved so very much this portrait of female friendship, unencumbered by love triangles and other kinds of competitiveness. Robertson's evocation of art and Paris were wonderful; if I had this in print, I'd no doubt have been underlining away like crazy. My only miff is the very rapid POV shifts in the second part of the novel -- some within the same paragraph -- but otherwise, this historical thriller had me enthralled. Loved the real life drama of the flood of 1910 as backdrop to this novel.

Also, THE best HEA ever ever ever. EVER.

The narrator eventually grew on me -- I loved her vocalization of Tanya (or Tania?) and Countess de Civray -- and I didn't hate being read to as much as I anticipated. I've got an ambitious knitting project ahead of me (need to finish thrummed mittens before the winter!) so I might just try another audiobook soon...

Real review to come.