A review by rosie_reads_x
Husbands by Adele Parks


This is a fun, lighthearted read about secrets, friendships and love.

It mainly revolves around Bella, who has been carrying a big secret around for years but now finds it catching up with her. After she secretly married her childhood sweetheart Stevie, she then realised it wasn’t the life for her and cowardly ran away. But they never actually got divorced and so when she later met the real love of her life Philip, she married him too!

All is fine though as she gets on with living her life and just carrying this secret around with her, until one day her best friend Laura introduces her to her new boyfriend Stevie and Bella’s world starts to unravel. There can’t be more than one Elvis impersonator called Stevie can there? Of course it turns out it’s her Stevie!

Bella decides to try and derail Laura and Stevie’s fledgling relationship and break them up in order to keep her secret intact. But will Stevie go along with her plan? And now that she’s confronted with both her husbands, which life does Bella actually want?

All in all this story was a bit unbelievable and cliche in places but it was fun and easy to read. It’s definitely lighthearted versus other Adele Parks’ books I’ve read which are more thriller-y but still a good story!